e-learning - taking services back home

This on-demand training course seeks to support the work of trade unions to build deprivatisation strategies and campaigns.

Welcome to the e-learning - taking services back home

This e-learning is an on-demand resource for trade unionists interested in starting a campaign to bring public services back into public hands.

Themes addressed in this course

1. Why do we call for taking public services back in-house?

2. How to overcome opposition

3. How to overcome legal threats

4. Building a trade union vision for bringing services in-house

5. How to build a deprivatisation campaign

Structure of the course

Each of the themes is organised around three learning levels:

Level 1: the answer in 5 minutes
Watch our short explanatory videos.

Level 2: details of the course
Download our infographic and access materials on the examples featured in this theme.

Level 3: dig deeper
Use our search function to find your way through a range of deprivatisation materials.
Find the most relevant documents to answer your questions.

Overview of the course

Examples of private sector failure in public service delivery

Examples of social dialogue strategies and laws protecting workers in transition

Examples of communication strategies